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Recent Posts by Steven

DBS Check Coventry

DBS Checks Once the check is completed, DBS will send a certificate listing the results to the applicant. The employer will have to ask the applicant to see the certificate. All applicants will receive certificate which is posted directly from the DBS to their home address. Security features Certificates have security features to prove they’re…
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DBS Extended Check

DBS Check The applicant must provide a range of ID documents as part of the DBS check application process. As an employer you must: follow the three route ID checking process as outlined in our guidance using the list of groups 1, 2a and 2b documents check and validate the information provided by the applicant…
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CRB Check Coventry

CRB Check & DBS certificate Once the check is completed, DBS will send a certificate listing the results to the applicant. The employer will have to ask the applicant to see the certificate. All applicants will receive  certificate which is posted directly from the DBS to their home address. Security features Certificates have security features…
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Online CRB Check

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks are now called Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. You may need to check someone’s criminal record if they apply: for certain jobs or voluntary work, for example working with children or in healthcare to foster or adopt a child There are different rules for getting a criminal record check…
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